IPE Group Inc.

Who we are – what we do

IPE Group™ is a leading global investment think-tank and entrepreneur that manages different and alternative asset classes, mergers & acquisitions, private equity, research, cost and risks and visionary development in market leading industries. We aim to generate attractive investment returns by following a patient and disciplined approach, employing high-quality people, pursuing the highest standards of excellence, and aligning our interests with those of our partners. When you partner with IPE Group™, you benefit from the breadth and expertise of the entire firm. Our investment partners have access to decades of financial and operational experience, broad regional and industry expertise, insight into global macro and geopolitical trends, and a powerful network of global relationships – both inside and outside of the firm. People do business with people they like and trust. As a relationship-driven firm, we are deeply committed to building and sustaining long-term internal and external partnerships, grounded in trust and transparency. We know it takes years to build a strong partnership and reputation, while they can be ruined in just a few minutes. We seek continually to understand and align the interests of all clients and partners, and we treat everyone with fairness, compassion, and respect. We believe that “arrogance kills” and has no place at IPE Group™.

Global Research – Global Outcome

What if you had, at your fingertips, the best tools and research, advice, and solutions for implementing strategies to meet your goals? This is what our research and investment solutions are all about. Tools and research uncover ideas. Advice presents those ideas to you in a way that fits your unique requirements. And our solutions allow you to delegate a portion of the decision process to us and maintain control wherever you choose. Governance flexibility is a key benefit. We can adapt to your needs, and work as your trusted advisor across a spectrum of services to enable you to make more informed decisions and achieve better outcomes.

Do you have the insight and advice you need to manage strategic costs and risks? Do you have specialty needs such as strategy questions on the role of responsible investing and alternatives? We can help with advisory services on actuarial consulting global consulting for multinational firms, and plan design analysis, contribution strategy, and compliance review. We also offer investment consulting for institutional investors and specialty consulting in areas including responsible investing and alternatives, as well as strategic asset allocation, performance evaluation, and risk monitoring.

Global Markets – Global Solutions

Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) are valuable strategic tools to accelerate organic growth and strategic objectives. But to realize their potential, companies must tackle formidable execution complexities, such as multi-geography spread, dearth of talent and inadequate tools and frameworks, while minimizing risks. They must also balance the pursuit of short-term goals with the overhaul of application, infrastructure and operating model needed to fulfill long-term objectives.

IPE Group™ offers end-to-end M&A Services — covering integration, separation, and joint ventures — that maximize value and minimize time and risk. Bringing together industry knowledge, agile delivery and global infrastructure, our Merger and Acquisition Services span assessment, planning and execution of integration/separation, transition services and post-execution operations and business process services. There is a special focus on technology transformation and business process design and optimization. Apart from consulting, IPE's M&A Services works with enterprise applications and platform solution specialists to offer turnkey integration and separation solutions. Our M&A solutions include end-to-end unified communication for enhanced customer experience and legal support.

Global Challenges – Global Visions

Competitive advantage is being redefined every day. When disruption demands a new path, it’s time for new thinking. To achieve competitive agility, companies need speed and confidence to identify how to realign for growth in the now, the new and the unknown. Growing customer expectations. Market-shaping AI. Self-optimizing systems. The post-digital age shows no signs of slowing down, and the need for new ideas powered by intelligent technologies and visions has never been greater. But a vision for the future can't be realized without know-how. IPE Group™ partners with their clients to drive real innovation — the kind that turns an idea into an industry — helping them transform and grow their organizations. While every business challenge is unique, we believe that innovative people — enabled by technology — can find surprising solutions. From ideation and development to the launch and scale of a solution, we step in when and where clients need us most through our IPE Innovation Architecture™.

Contact us

Please be advised:
Due to the current market environment and conditions we are overwhelmed with customer inquiries. So we have decided to accept new clients only after recommendations from existing clients. Feel free to leave your contact information and requests here and we will try to get back to you as soon as possible.

© IPE Group, Inc. – Incorporated under the laws of Florida
Picture Credits: all pixabay